Line and staff aspects of human resources management and. The differences between line authority and staff authority are as follows. It has an influence that derives indirectly from line authority at a higher level. Line authority or function is a direct or main function of an individual or department. Below points also focus on difference between line and staff manage. Line and staff organization management study guide. Generally speaking, line constitutes action, staff advice, line is hierarchical, staff collateral, line is authority, staff influence.
The informative function of the staff is to collect for the chief executive all the relevant information on which his decisions may be based. It is a communication relationship with management. In this time staff organizations are relatively new and were a response to many complex interrelated forces. How does a human resources manager have line, staff. Managers with line authority are those people in the organization who are directly responsible for achieving organizational. Line department have the formal power to direct and control immediate subordinates. What is the difference between line, staff department. Line authority gives a superior a line of authority over a subordinate. Staff authority enables those responsible for improving the effectiveness of line personnel to perform their required tasks. Police departments are generally heavily staffed, but not all of these employees have the same role.
The purpose of this lesson is for students to comprehend the concept of the cap chain of command. Perhaps the most important and obvious difference between line and staff is purpose. It addresses various expectations, both individual and organizational. Advantages and disadvantages of line and staff style of organizations. Lineandstaff organizations examples, advantages, manager. Difference between line and staff authority conflict between staff and line managerial officers from melville dalton describes the situation of staff organizations in the 1950s. In line with this, their difference might not be easily identified by the. The present study is conducted to overcome the defects and to take advantage of the merits of both line organisation and functional organisation, line and staff organisation has been evolved. In the line and staff authority all the officials have got independence to make decisions.
Possible conflict between line and staff function the staff and line managers form a relationship when interact with each other, however this may create conflict. While the former is exercised in a personal capacity, the latter is used in a professional capacity. Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. But when the president delegates to these advisers the right to issue instructions directly to the line organizations, as shown in the figure, that right is called functional authority. A more precise and logically valid concept of line and staff is that they are simply a matter of relationships. This serves as effective control in the whole enterprise. Line and staff deals with the authority relationships i. Marine corps, commissioned officer or warrant officer who exercises general command authority and is eligible for operational command positions, as opposed to officers who normally exercise command authority only within a navy staff corps. Pdf the present study is conducted to overcome the defects and to take advantage of. Line authority s functioning contributes directly to the accomplishment of organisational objectives. Staff department granted to staff specialists in their areas of expertise.
Line and staff personnel must work together closely to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness. Staff workers derive influence from expert authority or authority of knowledge, from their control of information which may be vital to line managers, and from their closer access to upper management. In the united states armed forces, a line officer or officer of the line is a u. The power to conduct investigations and advice line managers, but. Staff, line and auxiliary agencies government public. But there are also considerable researches made on the distinction between line and staff position in the organization. Get an answer for what are the advantages of line and staff in an organization.
Reasons for possible conflict dual authority enforcement of change different solution to problems. Line workers are on the front line of a business, handling the core corporate functions while staff workers play a support role and handle the behindthescenes work. This article will help you to differentiate between line and staff in an organisation. What is the different between line and staff authority. Explain the difference between staff and line authority. What production personnel typically work in food service operations. Pantry staff, bakers, stewards, chefs, receiving employees, cooks and assistant cooks. A line staff organizational structure attempts to render a large and complex enterprise more flexible without sacrificing managerial authority.
Line manager is a person who deals with direct managerial responsibility for a particular employee. What type of authority do human resource managers have. Linestaff organization, in management, approach in which authorities e. Due to existence of line and staff authority and responsibilities in organizations, the aim of the paper is to pro vide empirical results on differences in. Principles of management lectures the line and staff. Line and staff aspects of human resources management. Line and staff relationship in organization with example. In this principles of management lectures, we study about the types of organisation. Authority within a lineandstaff organization can be differentiated. Key difference line authority vs staff authority the key difference between line authority and staff authority is that line authority reflects superiorsubordinate relationships characterized by the power of decision making whereas staff authority refers to the right to advice on improving the effectiveness for line employees in performing their duties. What is the difference between line and staff authority. Line and staff functions indicate the pattern of distribution of authority in an organization.
Explain how the chaplain, safety officers, and inspector relate to the chain of. Line workers may believe that staff workers are meddlesome, arrogant and do not have enough field experience in the key functions of the company. So, on this topic, we are going to throw light on the basic differences between the two, have a look. Line authority has the right to decide and to command but the has the right to provide advice, assistance and information. However, differences in the perception about what in reality has to bed. Difference between power and authority with comparison. Differences between line and staff in an organisation. Explore the difference between line and staff employees, and test your understanding with a. While line authority relies on command, line and staff authority is based on command and advise. Here is the basic difference between line, staff and functional authority with example. Line authority can only be exercised by employees at the lower levels of the chain of command, whereas staff authority empowers employees on every level. Line managers direct the work of subordinates and make important decisions, while staff managers advise those with line authority. The key difference between line authority and staff authority is that line authority reflects superiorsubordinate relationships characterized by the. Staff authority consists of the right to advise or assist those who possess line authority as well as other staff personnel.
The authority of those managers directly responsible throughout the organizations chain of command for achieving organizational goals. Breaking down how management works is a bit tricky as a lot of terminology and some definitions are somewhat contrive. Line mangers make decisions and control employees within an organization. Line and staff aspects of hrm after studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following concepts. Many of us think that these two terms are one and the same thing, but there exists a fine line of difference between power and authority. Line manager manages employees and operations of a business while reporting to the higher authority. Line employees are usually older and have more experience than staff employees, who are typically younger and better educated with college degrees. Line and staff aspects lesson overview after reading this chapter student should know the basic concept of authority, different types of the authority and difference between the line and staff hangers. Difference between line authority and staff authority compare the. What are the differences between line managers, staff.
Difference between line authority and staff authority. What is the difference between line, staff and functional. Moreover, line managers are directly accountable for sales and production target achievement, whereas staff managers extend support to help them achieve their goals. According to koontz and others 1984, authority in an organization is the power in a position. Although most firms have a human resource department with its own manager, all other managers tend to. According to mooney, there are three functions of staff agencies, namely. Line and staff functions a widely accepted description of the difference between the two is that line functions are those functios which have direct responsibility for accomplishing the objectives of the enterprise while staff refers to those elements of the organization that help the line to work most effectively in accomplishing the. A disadvantage of a lineandstaff organization is conflict between line and staff personnel. What are the differences between line and staff functions. Lack of understandingin a line and staff organization, there are two authority flowing at one time.
Which of the following is the key difference between line authority and staff authority. The four staff and service executives have functional authority over the line organizations concerning procedures in the field of accounting, personnel. As we talk about discipline, line organization, is. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Basically you will get a brief introduction about the following types of organisation.
Power is the ability or potentials of a person to influence another person or a group to perform an act. The hr director or manager of a company often sits on the executive management team. I dont know the book youre referring to, so im just going to give you an answer from experience. Authority within a lineandstaff organization can be diff erentiated. Difference between line and staff authority free essays.
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